What is Thermography?
Thermography is an imaging process that uses advanced infrared camera systems to detect heat patterns in body tissue. The modality may be used for full-body scanning, but is of particular interest for the early detection of signs that breast cancer may be developing.
In the early stages, pre-cancerous cells need a vast supply of nutrients and oxygen to accelerate their growth. This process of forming new blood vessels is called angiogenesis and may occur in tissues many years before the cells themselves become malignant. The abnormal heat pattern is one of the earliest signs of breast cancer and may be detected by thermography many years before the actual tumor is detectable by physical breast examination.
Thermography is a safe, comfortable, non-invasive and painless screening procedure, designed for women of all ages, with no contact to the body itself. Thermography is FDA approved and may assist both as an early warning of pathological processes, as well as a prognostic indicator i.e. to indicate whether or not the condition is responding to treatment.
Breast cancer risk assessments
The Tygerberg Multicare Centre also offers personal breast cancer risk assessments. To find out more about this, please contact us.
For further information on breast thermography in general, please click here to visit an international information resource.
Did you know?
- All women are at risk of developing breast cancer
- One in eight women will develop breast cancer in their life-time
- 75% of breast cancers occur in women with no family history of this disease
- 23% of breast cancers develop in women younger than 45 years of age
- An abnormal thermogram is the single-most important marker of a high risk for developing breast cancer, 10 times more significant than a family history of the disease
- It takes eight to 10 years for a tumor to grow to the size of a 10c coin. Breast thermography may be the first sign of such a possibility
Please make sure you have the forms listed below on the day of your thermography scan.
Download: Full body intake form Download: Breast intake form
Download: IRT consent form